We, the coordinators of this program, are parents like you who got together to see that this program was available for all our kids ~ yours and ours. We are not paid, we are volunteers. Our main responsibility has been to set up the program, collect funds, arrange bus schedules, get the children to the mountain, and back. There will be parents acting as chaperones who will help kids get rentals, get to lessons, etc. There will be a parent, or more, in the lodge at a “Mascenic table” they can find easily. There will be parents also skiing. We think Pats Peak is a safe, mountain and that, as in the past, the children will really enjoy this program.
However, we do want you to realize this is NOT a program where your child is assigned and with a chaperone the whole time. They have “free time” when not in a lesson. They must be physically fit enough & responsible enough to follow all the rules and be responsible for their own rental equipment and general well being (eating, keeping warm etc).
If you are in doubt that your child can handle any of this, please either come along to the ski lodge while your child participates, or do not sign them up. If your child decides to leave the program, no money will be refunded to you! (We will already have paid it out!!) All rules will be strictly enforced. Students breaking these rules may be asked to leave the program or may not be permitted to ride the bus. If disciplinary action is taken, no refund will be given.
There are serious personal injury risks to skiing and . As or legal guardian, must assume these risks for your child. Helmets are available for rent or purchase.
For more information, you can call the Pats Peak Ski Area at
(603) 428-3245 and ask a message to be forwarded to the Mascenic Coordinators. Also, if you give your child permission to leave the mountain early instead of coming home on the bus, you must send a signed dated note each time, no exceptions. All lost or forgotten student tags must be replaced at a cost of $10.00 before renting or riding. If you have any general concerns or questions, please settle them before you decide to sign up your child.
This program is not a school sponsored organization.
Please do not call the schools if you have questions.
All inquiries should be directed to the Mascenic Coordinators.
Susan Stalbird - 603.878.4557
Heather Long - 603.325.0716
Nick Letters - 603.801.8193